3 EASY Sunflower Spells
In this post I will share how you can use sunflower in your witchcraft. Find 3 easy and quick spells that you can do with one flower.
Sunflower are connected to solar power. They are filled with potent life giving energy. The represent light of consciousness and joy. They are Powerfully healing for the solar plexus. They can help you align with joy, abundance, self confidence and good fortune.
Spells with Sunflower included Spells for good luck, fertility, loyalty, happiness and fortune.

You need! One sunflower!
1.MAKE A WISH: Cut the stalk of the sunflower during sunset and make your wish.
2.DREAM ABOUT TRUTH: Put the sunflower under your pillow to dream about the truth that you are seeking. Next day before sunset the truth will be revealed to you.
3. AURA SPRAY FOR HAPPINESS AND FORTUNE: Pluck the petals of the sunflower into a bowl of sacred water. Let the petals soak in the sun for one day. Use as aura spray.
Thank you for Reading!
🤍With Love, Joy