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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Ask a Question - Love Ritual

Are you in love or dating? Are you curious to know if somebody is the one? In this post I will share a Ritual designed to answer any specific question you have about love. If a relationship is meant to last? If you have met the One or not? To ask is somebody is your True Love or Twinflame? If you will marry someone?

You can ask only one question at a time. But you can perform the whole Ritual several times for different questions. The Ritual is targeted at Venus, the planet of love.

Timing: Fridays, Venus stellium, Venus Star Point, Libra or Taurus New Moon. Venus in Libra or Taurus. Venus transit your 7th house.

The One?

You need!

For this very specific Ritual you need all of the ingredients. Where it is written "or" you can choose between what is mentioned.

*Daisys 6 of them or 6 Red Roses. You will use the petals as the divination tool.

*Red Rose Petals, enough to make a circle of roses around you. You can use dried petals too.

*A representation of each of the 4 elements to put in each of the 4 directions.

Earth - rose quartz crystal, emerald stone, green jade, moonstone or strawberries

Air - incense preferably a love blend such as rose or vanilla

Fire - a red, pink, green or white candle

Water - a big bowl of water

*An altar to Venus - her picture, statue, a pink or white candle dedicated to Venus (with the alchemical symbol for Venus carved into it, annointed in rose or vanilla essential oil, dressed with rose petals.) A bowl of water with 6 drops of Rose or Vanilla Essential oil.

*Something representing the person you are asking about - a strand of their hair, a gift they have given you or a photo of them.

*Your journal and a pen.

Roses for Venus!

Do like this!

Setup: Place the 4 elements according to their direction, use a digital compass. North is earth. East is air. South is fire. West is water.

Place the Altar for Venus in the middle of the circle.

The item representing the person you are inquiring about on the Altar of Venus.

Place the 6 Daisys or Roses that you will use for Divination on the altar too.

*Smudge yourself and your Altar.

*Take the loose Red Rose Petals and create a sacred circle. As you walk around your Altar and the setup with the 4 elements. Spread some Rose petals in a circle as you chant: "I create a sacred circle, this circle is sacred and safe".

*Time to call in each of the elements. Hold the element in your right hand as you call it in, stand facing in the correct direction, left palm facing up as to invite. Move in desoil way. Say out loud three times each:

Guardians of the North and the Element of Earth I invite you into this sacred space.

Guardians of the East and the Element of Air I invite you into this sacred space.

Guardians of the South and the Element of FireI invite you into this sacred space(light the candle).

Guardians of the West and the Element of Water I invite you into this sacred space.


*Write your question down on a piece of paper. Burn it and offer it to Venus. Ask the question in a way that it can be answered with Yes or No. Say out loud: Venus hear my plea, this is the question I ask of you. (Mention your question). Repeat three times.

*Pick only one of the Daisys or Roses to use for your Divination. The first petal you pull is Yes, the second one No and so on. You keep on plucking the petals, counting yes,no and dropping them into the bowl of water, the bowl of water you originally placed in the west. You do not need to move the bowl.

Note: The last petal you pull will be a yes or no. Here is a part of your answer.

If a petal break in two, or you accidentally pluck two at one time. You have to decide what that means for you beforehand. That is if you will count only one petal or decide a broken petal is counted as one or two and so on.

*Look into the bowl of water where your petals has been dropped. Stir the petals with your fingers and ask your question again. Say out loud: Venus hear my plea, this is the question I ask of you. (Mention your question) Repeat three times.

Let the surface of the water set. Look for patterns and formations to further aid you in your Divination quest. Note down any symbols in your Journal.

*Take out all of the petals from the water. Drain them from water. Hold them in front of your heart and again ask your question. Stand up and say out loud: Venus hear my plea, this is the question I ask of you. (Mention your question) Say it three times. Drop all the petals on the floor. And then again look for more patterns and symbols. Note down what you see in your Journal.

*Watch the candle for Venus burn out as you meditate on the answers or symbols you have received.

*When the Venus candle is fully done. It's time to close the ritual.


Closing quarters. Whole bowing, say out loud and then touch your Third-Eye, heart and then the earth.

Guardians of the West and the Element of Water I thank you and release you.

Guardians of the South and the Element of Fire I thank you and release you.

Guardians of the East and the Element of Air I thank you and release you.

Guardians of the North and the Element of Earth I thank you and release you.

Finally say: May all the four powers and any powers or energy that go unused go back to the universe. My work complete and the circle closed. So be it.

Open the circle by physically moving the petals to the side and you are done. Thank all Spirits involved again.

**You can keep the rose petals, put them back into the water bowl and place the bowl close to your bed to inspire dreams of love. Keep for as long as the petals look fresh.

**Look through your notes and research your symbols.

**Read the candle wax to interpret the success of the Ritual.

Good luck!

This Ritual has several steps. You are meant to read all the signs together. If you get a No to your question, remember that is a No to the question you formulated. You could ask again with a slightly different formulation.

With Love, Shanti Joy


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