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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Banishing Curses or the Evil Eye, a Spell

Are you stuck with a negative energy or do feel like somebody is cursing you?

In this post I will share a Spell is for banishing Negative Energies and Dark Entities from your life. Banish simply means "send away". This Ritual can be used to get rid of certain negative thoughts or patterns too. You only need a lime or lemon, salt and a candle.

Banish and Ex, an irritating Co-Worker, Enemies, a specific negative energy such as jealousy or hatred or a Dark Spirit.

TIMING: Full Moon, Black Moon, Waning Moon.

Banish negative entities!


* White Salt or Black Salt

* A Lemon cut into 4 or 2 limes cut into half. You need 4 slices in total, one for each of the four directions.

* A Candle - preferably black or white, tea light is fine, spell candle preferred. Make sure you understand the burning time of the candle that you are using because it will dictate how long you need to work your spell.

* The rune Algiz carved into the candle

* Black Pepper, chilli powder, cumin and/or banishing oil to dress the candle with(optional for more power)

* Sage or any other clearing incense

* A bowl

* A Paper and pen

* A digital compass, download as an app

Cleansing, protection and spiritual purification.


SETUP: On a table. Create a circle with the salt, put the candle in the middle. Use the digital compass to find north, south, east and west and put one of each of the sliced lemons/limes in each direction.

(It is optional to call in the power of the four directions)

* Light your candle and call in your Ancestors and Spirit Guides. Say out loud: "Ancestors and Spirit Guides I welcome you to this sacred space to witness and support me in performing this banishing spell. Smudge a sacred circle around you.


* Call in the power of the 4 directions, Say out loud:

- Guardians of the North and the Element of Earth I invite you into this sacred space.

- Guardians of the East and the Element of Air I invite you into this sacred space.

- Guardians of the South and the Element of Fire I invite you into this sacred space.

- Guardians of the West and the Element of Water I invite you into this sacred space.

* Smudge yourself and the space with incense.

* Pray and set your intention for what you wish to banish.

* Write on a paper in detail what you wish to banish. One or more things.

* Read what you have written out loud. And then burn the paper. Say out loud; "Burn, be gone, never come back, I banish you from my life forever, you hold no power over me anymore and I am free."

* Meditate with the candle. You can perform your own divination here. You can also repeat the step above if more things come to your mind that you want to banish.

* When the candle has burnt down continue like this. In a counterclockwise direction do as follow:

In the West. Take the lemon or lime. Sprinkle salt on it. Say out loud: I banish the influence of x(what you are banishing) from the West. Squeeze the lemon/lime into the bowl while visualising that you are squeezing the energy or power out of what you are banishing. And drop the peel in the bowl too.

In the South. Take the lemon or lime. Sprinkle salt on it. Say out loud: "I banish the influence of x(what you are banishing) from the South. Squeeze the lemon/lime into the bowl while visualising that you are squeezing the energy or power out of what you are banishing.And drop the peel in the bowl too.

In the East. Take the lemon or lime. Sprinkle salt on it. Say out loud:"I banish the influence of x(what you are banishing) from the East. Squeeze the lemon/lime into the bowl while visualising that you are squeezing the energy or power out of what you are banishing. And drop the peel in the bowl too.

In the North. Take the lemon or lime. Sprinkle salt on it. Say out loud: "I banish the influence of x(what you are banishing) from the North. Squeeze the lemon/lime into the bowl while visualising that you are squeezing the energy or power out of what you are banishing. And drop the peel in the bowl too.

* And now IF YOU CALLED THEM IN LET THEM GO. Time to close the sacred space and send the power of the elements away.

- Guardians of the West and the Element of Water I thank you and release you.

- Guardians of the South and the Element of Fire I thank you and release you.

- Guardians of the East and the Element of Air I thank you and release you.

- Guardians of the North and the Element of Earth I thank you and release you.

* The Spell is complete. Thank your Ancestors and Spirit Guides. Say out loud: "Ancestors and Spirit Guides thank you for always guiding and supporting me."

* Now either, bury the peels and juice in the earth or flush it down the toilet.

Repeat when you feel you need to!

Thank you for reading! Contact me for questions. This Spell is very powerful, expect powerful results. Do exactly as it is written.

WITH LOVE, Shanti Joy


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