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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Call Back your Power - A Ceremony

In this post I will share a Ceremony for calling back your power. If you have experienced trauma, sickness, disease, a breakup, breakdown, loss, sadness, oppression or anxiety, in this lifetime or other lifetimes. If you feel you have blockages when it comes to your personal power. Or if you want to have more soul power, this Ceremony is for you.

This is a Ceremony with the 4 elements. Calling in the 4 elements is a common shamanic practice which attune you to the universal forces. You will make a written petition paper and use your words and intention to call back your power, you will burn the paper as an offering to spirit. And also if you wish you can connect with a Spirit Animal Helper or Power Animal as a part of the Ceremony too.

We sometimes give our power away consciously or unconsciously to people or situations. A part of our souls potential can be lost. Calling back your power restores your energy and can give you more energy, power and strenght. Find the Ceremony below.


You can do this Ceremony many times. Parts of your power will come back in waves through your healing process. This Ceremony amplifies your healing process because of your Intention to call your power back.

Burn your Petition!

You need!

*A white or yellow candle

*Something representing the 4 elements placed in the 4 directions. Earth/a crystal, east/incense, south/a candle, water/a bowl of water. Use a digital compass to figure out the correct placements.

*Pen and Paper

*A rough natural flat stone, the size of half your palm

*A marker


The 4 elements!

Do like this!

You will sit in the middle of your sacred circle with your paper, pen and stone.

*Make sure you have everything ready.

*Create a sacred circle around you. Walk in a circle, clockwise, holding the incense stick. Chant: This circle is sacred and protected.

*Smudge the circle and your items.

*Light your candle and call in your Spirits Guides and Ancestors. Say out loud: Spirit Guides and Ancestors I welcome you to this power ceremony. Please guide and protect me as I perform this sacred ceremony.

*Time to call in each of the elements. Hold the element in your right hand as you call it in, stand facing in the correct direction, left palm facing up as to invite. Move in clockwise direction. Say out loud:

- Guardians of the North and the Element of Earth I invite you into this sacred space(place the crystal on the earth.)

- Guardians of the East and the Element of Air I invite you into this sacred space(light the incense.)

- Guardians of the South and the Element of FireI invite you into this sacred space(light the candle.)

-Guardians of the West and the Element of Water I invite you into this sacred space(place the bowl of water down.)

*Put your hands on the ground. Say out loud: Mother Earth thank you for all that you provide.

*Sit down in the middle of your sacred circle.


I take back my power from all lifetimes and dimensions.

On your piece of paper 8(nr of karma and power) times.

*Read it out loud 8 times. And then, say out loud: Thank you spirits for witnessesing my ceremony.

*Burn the paper and offer it to spirit.

*Optional, if you want to call in a Power Animal. Say out loud: Dear Spirit Guides send me a spirit animal to my aid to help me in the process of calling back my power.

Take your stone and marker. Look into the Candle Flame. And draw the Animal that comes to your mind on the stone. If you dont want to draw. You can write the name of the Animal instead or make a Rune corresponding to your Animal. This Animal is now your Power Guide and it will help your healing process further.

*Your Ceremony is now complete. Time to close it. Closing quarters. While bowing, in the correct direction, say out loud and then touch your Third-Eye, heart and then the earth.

- Guardians of the West and the Element of Water I thank you and release you.

- Guardians of the South and the Element of Fire I thank you and release you.

- Guardians of the East and the Element of Air I thank you and release you.

- Guardians of the North and the Element of Earth I thank you and release you.

*Thank your Guides. Say out loud: Thank you Spirit Guides and Ancestors for witnessing this Ceremony, the Ceremony is now complete.

**You can pour the water back onto the earth. And let the candle burn down completely.

The Rune for Wolf!

The Animal that came to you in this Ceremony is now your Power Guide. This Animal represents how you can call back your power and what type of Power you need to call back. The Animal carries a specific Animal Medecine that you need. This is a highly fated and spiritual connection. The more respect and honor you give to your connection the more powerful your work with the Animal will be. The Animal can work as your teacher, ally, protector, guide and healer.

Ways to work with your Power Animal.

*Get a small Diary dedicated to your Spirit Animal.

*Get a small statue or photo of the Animal and place on your Altar.

*Research the Animal to get clues on what type of energy and qualities you need to work on.

*Place the stone on your Altar or carry it in your pocket.

*Do regular guided meditations with your Animal Guide to connect with it more(find free on youtube).

*Try and learn from this Animal Spirit and behavior.

*Dress up like your Animal.

*Do a Sacred Dance for your Animal.

**When you feel like your work with this particular Animal is done. You can thank the Animal Guide and bury the stone in nature.



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