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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Candle Spell - Love

In this post I will share a beautiful Candle Spell that can be used to attract new love, to attract a lover back, to reignite passion in a relationship, to call in marriage or to inspire faithfulness in a current relationship. You will write your own intentions and infuse your own goals into the spell. You can use the same setup for a variety of different Love Spells.

I will also share how to make a Love Oil as a part of the Candle Spell that can be used to fortify the spell and your intentions. This is optional.


Attract Love!

You need!

I will mention a list of ingredients down below. If you do not have any of these items, do not worry. Simply use what you have. At the very least you just need a candle and a white paper to perform this spell. The more you prepare and the more particular you are with the ingredients, the better the spell will work

For the Candle Spell

* A red or pink tall candle, preferably a spell candle. Dont use candle that has been used already. Or you can use a tea candle.

* The rune Wunjo carved into the candle

* You can also carve your lovers name into the candle

* Essential Oil to anoint the candle

* Dried crushed herbs or flowers to roll the anointed candle in

* Rose quartz, clear quartz, green crystals to build a crystal grid around the candle

* Incense to burn

* Love Music

* A piece of paper with your intentions written on in a spiral way

* The Tarot Card the Lovers, The Heirophant, the 10 of Pentacles or the 2 of Cups

For the Love Oil

* A small glass bottle with a roller or cork

* Carrier oil such as almond oil

* Essential Oils

* Dried herbs

Choose between these herbs and flowers for dressing your candle and your Love Oil. Combine anyone you like in the spell in the form of essential oil, crushed herb or incense according to your own desires and purpose.

* Vanilla - sexual appetite and drive

* St John's wort - devoted lover

* Dill - lust, sensuality, obedient husband

* Lavendar - attracting a man

* Rosemary - invite love, faithfulness

* Basil - good luck in love

* Jasmine - rekindle love, marriage

* Rose - affection, true love

* Cinnamon - erotic love, ignite passion

* Hibiscus - marriage, love

Think about your own intentions when you combine your ingredients.

Intentions can manifest!

Do like this!

* Make sure you have all that you need. You can carve the rune into the candle, anoint it in oil and roll it in your herbs before you start. You can also write your intentions on the white paper before you start.

* Ground and protect yourself. Call in your Guides and ask for support and guidance. Tell them your intention. Create a sacred circle around by visualization.

* Smudge your items, yourself and the space.

* Bless your ingredients.

* Read what you have written on your white paper out loud. And finish off with chanting :" this is what I want" as you place out your items.

* Keep on chanting what you want as you place:

The white paper in the centre

The candle on top of the white paper

The crystal grid around

The crushed herbs in a circle around

The tarot card at one side

* Light the candle and the energy work starts

* Focus on the candle and imagine your desires.

* Watch the candle as it burns while you keep on visualizing your intentions.

* If you want to make the Love Oil, you make it now. Combine your ingredients. Place the Oil in front of the candle.

* When the candle almost is burnt down. Hold the Love Oil in your hands. At the moment when the candle flame dies and the smoke disperse swipe the Love Oil through the smoke and affirm your intentions.

* When the candle has burnt out your spell is complete. Burn the paper with your intentions. Thank your guides.

* Use the Love Oil, on your heart, on your Third-Eye and on your wrists to attract love. You can use it on your partner too.

** Watch how the candle flame burns for interpretation later.

*** You can take a picture of the wax and send me. And we can interpret it together.

**** When you have got your results the spell has worked. At that point you can make another Love Spell using the same setup but with different intentions.

May you be blessed with romance!

Thank you for reading. Share this with your friends. I hope you will have luck with your spell

WITH LOVE, Shanti Joy



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