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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Candle Spell - Remove Obstacles, Road Opener

Are you feeling stuck and unable to move forward? In this post I will share a simple Candle Spell to remove obstacles.

You will need three candles, one will be lit clear the energy, one will be lit to open the road to your desires and one will be lit to bring in the blessings you are looking for. The Candle Spell can be shaped to suit your personal intentions for any area of your life. Wether your intention is money, love, communication, healing or success.

This spell will lay down the energetic foundation for you to move forward. Depending on what is causing the blockage. Wether it is your mind, your emotions or a negative belief or even karma. Things will start moving forward, but you need to be proactive.

TIMING: Any time. Most potent on a New Moon and Full Moon. Best on eclipses.

Candle Magick!

You need!

You will need all of these ingredients for full effect. Where it says or, you can choose.

* 3 candles, white, orange or yellow colour. Tea light candles or tall spell candles.

* Crushed Herbs or Essential Oil, or both. One from each category.

1. Clearing: sandalwood, sage, frankincense

2. Road opener: Lemongrass

3. Blessings: Rose - love, lavender- spirituality, chamomille - peace, mugwort - psychic blocks, passion in love - vanilla, mint - communication or clarity, money -basil(Research the herbal correspondences that matches what you wish too call in.)

*Salt, to cast a circle, optional

*Lemongrass Incense

*A white candle to light to call in your Guides, this will be the 4th candle

*Pen and Paper

Lemongrass is a road opener!

Do like this!

* Light the white candle(the 4th) and call in your Spirit Guides and Ancestors. Say out loud: " I welcome you my Spirit Guides to witness this spellwork, I am honoured by your presence."

*Cast a sacred circle around you. Walk in a circle and scatter the salt in circle. Say out loud: "this circle is sacred and safe." You can also smudge a circle instead of using salt.

*Smudge yourself and the circle and your items.

*Dress your three candles(one is for clearing,one is a road opener and one is to call in your intended blessings). Anoint/dress the candles one by one with your chosen herbs or essential oil. Say out loud:

1."I anoint/dress this candle with X to clear the obstacles that are in my way.

2.I anoint/dress this candle with X to open the road to my desires.

3.I anoint/dress this candle with X to call in the blessings that I am seeking."

*Write down what you want help with on a piece of paper. Then copy it two times so that you have 3 slips of paper to burn for each of your 3 candles.

*Light all the three the candles in the following order.

1.Say out loud: "I light this candle to clear away the obstacles that are holding me back". Burn the first slip.

2.Say out loud: "I light this candle to open the road to my desires." Burn the second slip.

3. Say out loud: "I light this candle to call in the blessings that I am seeking". Burn the third slip.

*Let the 3 candles burn while you meditate on your desires. You can perform your own divination now if you want to get clear answers on how to overcome your obstacles.

*When the 3 candles have burnt down the Spellwork is complete. You can let the 4th candle burn down in its own time.

*Open the circle by moving the salt to the side. Say out loud: "The spell is complete, I offer my gratitude to all the Spirits involved."

Read the wax if you want!

Thank you for reading. I wish you success. Be open to how this spell might work for you.

With Love, Shanti Joy


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