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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Candle Wax Reading - Get Answers

Are you looking for a specific answer about your life or future? About a relationship, a decision you need to make or what path to take? Keep reading. In this post I will share how you can use Candle Wax for Divinition, Carromancy. You need very little for this, only a bowl of water and a candle. I highly recommend you to try. You will use the Candle Wax drippings to Divine your answer.

TIMING: New Moon and Full Moon.

What answers are you seeking?

You need!

Witchy Tip!

Enhance your Psychic Senses Tea!

Prepare and drink before your Divination Work!

(Blend as you like)





Add a sweetener if you need!

*A large Bowl of water. From natural source if you can. Alternatively add a drop of holy water in regular water. If you use tap water - neutralize it with salt before or treat it with sound. You can put the bowl of water out under the moonlight the day before the ritual to add extra power.

*A Tall Candle. Blue, purple or white for all questions. You can color match depending on the nature of your question. Love (pink,red). Money(gold). Health(green). Healing (purple,green).

*Decide your Question! One question per reading. If you want to ask several questions you have to prepare several bowls of water.

*Paper and Pen


*A second more candle to light for calling in your Spirit Guides and Ancestors.

*Your Journal

Do like this!

(Best time midnight until 3.00AM)

If you have decided to use the Tea. Drink it before you start.

*Light your candle(the second one) and call in your Spirit Guides. Say out loud: "Spirit Guides and Ancestors please help protect, support and guide me as I perform this Candle Wax reading. I am looking for answers regarding(tell them your questions).

*Smudge yourself and all of your items.

*Write Down your question on a piece of paper. Read it out loud. Say out loud: "Spirits witness this is my question. Please provide me with a clear answer."

*Light the candle that you are using for your Divination work. Burn the paper slip in that candle.

*Gently drip the candle wax into your bowl of water for at least 30 seconds or max 60 seconds, while focusing on your question.

*Set the candle aside. You can turn it off.

*Let the Wax settle in the bowl of water. Take your Journal and interpret the shapes of the wax drippings. Look for symbols like:





There are lexicons online for learning the meaning of symbols. You can use the same lexicon as for dream interpretations or tea leaves readings.

*If you want to ask more questions. Repeat the process.

*When you are done. Thank your Spirit Guides and Ancestors. Say out loud: "Thank you Spirit Guides and Ancestors for supporting me during this Divination Work. This Candle Wax reading is now complete".

May your answers come to you!

Thank you for reading. I hope you get the answers you need. Send me a photo if you need help.

With Love, Joy


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