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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Dream about your true love - Flower Spell

The summer solstice is here. And it’s something we celebrate in my culture. In this post I will share a very beautiful simple ritual that is said to give you a dream about the man you will marry.

We have this folk tradition to pick 7 different flowers on this day and put under you pillow. During the night you will receive a vision about your future husband. The number 7 is connected to the 7 planets and also Libra the 7 th astrological sign.

If you are not intending to marry, this spell can also reveal your Twinflame or your long term partner. And if you already are with your partner this spell can show you other parts of your destiny together.

If you are curious to try simply take this opportunity and go outside and get yourself some flowers, they should however grow wild. Or be from a garden.

You can wrap the flowers in a small piece of cloth and tuck gently under your pillow. Enchant the flowers by whispering the following incantation.

Husband to be, reveal yourself to me. During the night while I sleep, grant me the vision I seek.

Husband can be exchanged for;

Twinflames true(to reveal your Twinflame)

Lover to be(if you are seeking a new love)

Partner true(if you want to do the spell for someone you are in a relationship with).

I wish you beautiful dreams.

Thank you for reading

Shanti Joy



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