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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Dream Work - using crystals

Are you curious about dreams and want to learn how to work with your dreams? In this post I will share how you can use crystals for dream work. For dream recall, for lucid dreaming, for dream journeys (to a place or person) and for dream quests(to get a specific answer).


Recommended Crystals for Dream Work, all purposes!


Blue Kyanite




Lapiz Lazuli



Clear Quartz

Depending on your intention you can match the crystals with dreams of love - rose quartz, dreams of abundance - green jade or dreams of success - pyrite.

You need!

For a Triangular Crystal Grid

*Minimum 3 Crystals. You can use as many as you like, 3, 6, 9 or 12. In different shapes, depending what you have. Best are crystal wands. But you can use whatever you have.

*1 candle, white, purple, blue, match it with your intention.

*A paper and pen

*Herbs for dream recall, optional. Lavendar, chamomille, mugwort. Or match it for your intention.

Prepare by cleansing and charging your crystals.

*You will now build triangular crystal grid on your night table. Either by using 3 crystals, 6 , 9 or 12 crystals.

*Place the candle at the top of the triangle.

*Write your Question or Intention on a piece of paper. Fold it three times towards you. Place it next to the candle.

*If you choose to add herbs or flowers. Put it either inside the triangle or in line with the crystals. Or add to the candle.

*Cleanse the crystals again.

*Use a pointy crystal, a wand, incense stick or your fingers to connect the crystals. By tapping each crystal and stating your intention, the same as you wrote on your paper. In a clockwise direction, starting at the top of the triangle.

*Now it's ready to use.

How to Use It!

*Before you go to bed. Light your candle. Meditate at least 3 minutes on your Question or Intention. While looking into the candle flame. Turn the candle off and go to bed. In the morning record your dreams in your journal.

***When you Question had been answered fully or Intention has come to fruition. You can deactivate the crystal grid. By removing the top crystal first. And then cleaning and charging your crystals.

***It can take several dreams to get your full answer. Give it 7 days at least.

****If you are trying lucid dreaming as your intentions keep the grid for at least 30 days

With Love, Joy


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