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Writer's pictureJoy S W

A Ritual to Remove Curses and Evil Spirits

Have you stumbled upon a ghost, a demon, been cursed or attacked by the evil eye? Or are you trying to break an ancestral curse?

In this post you will find an easy Ritual to expel and rid yourself of any influences of dark magic or evil intent and at the same time create a PROTECTIVE TALISMAN.

Keep on reading for more info about negative entities and curses. Or skip to the end to find the Ritual.

TIMING: Full Moon and Waning Moon

Spirits of all kinds walk this earth!

Dark Energies & Entities

Dear Soul sometimes on our Spiritual Path we stumble upon dark energies which are trying to interfere with our path. It could be a curse put upon us by an enemy either now or from a past life, a dark entity or jumping Spirit.

Symptoms of being attacked by negative entities or black magic can vary.

paranoia, anxiousness, depression, confusion, very bad luck, fear, obsession, illusion, loss of money, tiredness, sickness, nightmares, sleep disturbance, insomnia, intense negative thoughts, pain, addiction and accidents.

Dark energies, ghosts, demons, ghouls or evil spirits are very cunning and their main weapon is illusion and deceit. In supreme truth and according to the laws of this universe; no energy or entity can interfere with you, without your free-will permission.

Now it might be so that you have given your free-will consent in this lifetime or in a past lifetime unconsciously. Believing in that dark energies have power over you is already giving a free-will permission for them to attach and attack you. The same goes for curses.

These negative entities might have tricked you into believing that they can take power over you and harm you. But this is false. This is the illusion. You are more powerful then these dark energies. The same is true for black magic and dark spells. Believing that someone can curse you is already giving your power away. You see. You are too powerful.

Now if you have not thought about it yet, or made up your mind wether or not you believe something can take power over you. Know this; these dark energies might come from your ancestral line(curses). People you have had a relationship with that were addicts, mentally sick or depressed (jumping spirits). It might be transferred from one night stands with random strangers under the influence of drugs and alcohol(sexual encounters opens up your energy field). And even from haunted places or challenging work environments as hospitals, psych wards or war zones

These entities leaches on your aura and feeds of negativity. They steal energy and drain you. They lower your vibration.

You now have the free-will to withdraw permission and to take back your power.To basically ask them to leave.That is all it takes.

Do not be afraid - your light is strong!


*A white or black candle

*Sage, a lot

*A protective talisman like; a Christian Cross, ahimsa, or a crystal.


Repeat each prayer 3 times

*Light your Sage and cast a sacred circle.

As you smudge a circle around you. Say out loud: "I now create a sacred circle for protection."

*Light your candle and call in your Ancestors, Spirit Guides and Archangel Michael. Say out loud: "Dear Spirit guides, Ancestors and Archangel Michael I welcome you into this sacred space to help me with this ritual to remove all influences of negative energy and spirits."

*Sage yourself and your talisman.

*Standing. Take your talisman and hold it above your head and look towards the sky.

Say out loud: "I call in the mighty light of christ, I call in all the Angels, all forces of good in this Universe willing to assist me in expelling the dark forces of evil spirits and entities interfering in my energy field, bless this talisman."

*Hold your talisman down towards the earth. Say out loud "All the influences from dark forces of evil spirits, the evil eye and all form of curses are now expelled from earth, I ask of you to leave me and never come back. By my own free will choice. You hold no power over me and do not have my permission to interfere with my soul anymore."

*Repeat the above statement for each of the 4 directions, East, South, West, North and finally the Realms of Spirit. Directing the talisman the same direction as you speak. (Replace where it says earth in the above statement with your other directions.)

*Sit down. Hold your talisman in your hands in front of your heart. Say out loud: "Thank you Archangel Michael may it be so, Thank you Angels may it be so, Thank you Christ and all forces of good may it be so. I am protected, I am protected, I am protected."

* Blow out the candle. Break the circle. Say out loud: "Thank you Spirit guides, Ancestors and Archangel Michael for helping me.

**Wear your talisman as long as you feel you need extra protection. Whenever you feel fear also don't hesitate to call on Archangel Michael.

No harm shall come to you!

This is what I had to share about negative entities and curses. And yes I have had experiences of ghosts both harmless and some with evil intent. Met possessed people and encountered demons. I have also experienced being cursed and how it is to be under psychic attack. We need to do clearing rituals from time to time.

WITH LOVE, Shanti Joy


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