Forget me Not - Love Offering
Are you in love? Have there been difficulties or distance between you and another? Do you wish to be on a person's mind or for them to think of you? Or are you ready to call in your True Love or Twinflame?
In this post I will share a Love Spell that can help you remind a lover of your love and their feelings for you. Or to call in your next love.
This Spell is made of white and green magick. Be sure to ask spirit for a sign that it is in your highest best interest to perform this Love Spell first. If there is any big obstacles as you attempt to do this spell then it is seen as a no.
You need!
*Dried Forget Me Not flowers.
*Dried Rose.
*A bay leaf with the persons name and date of birth written on together with yours. If you want to call in your true love or soulmate, simply write true love or soulmate instead.
*An organic paper where you will write your love letter and seal with a kiss.
*A heat resistant plate.
*A small glass jar with a lid.
*A white or pink candle.
*A Lighter.
*Gather all of your ingredients.
*Cast a protective circle around you with incense or light and cleanse your space.
"Light your candle and call in your spirit guides. Say out loud: dear spirit guides and ancestors please protect and guide me as I perform this love spell for me and X.
*Burn the bay leaf.
*Write your love letter to the person on your mind or to your true love that you wish to call in.
*Read the letter out loud.
*Seal the letter with a kiss.
*Burn the letter .
*Mix the dried flowers with the ashes of the letter and bay leaf into a powder while you chant: forget me not my true love, lover forget me never.
*Put all of the powder in a glass jar.
*Close the circle.
*Go to the nearest rivet or stream and realase the powder into the water while you chant:forget me not my true love, lover forget me never.
You are now done. The results will vary depending on your individual situation. Be sure to record any signs you see during the Spellwork and after.
With Love, Joy