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Writer's pictureJoy S W


Do you need to release something from your life? A habit, memory, person or a thought pattern? Keep on reading, find my best Ritual for Release below using The 4 Elements, air, water, earth and fire.


- A destructive behaviour

- A negative thought patterns or belief

- An old identity

- Your past

- An emotion; regret, anger, guilt, doubt, sadness

- A relationship to somebody

- A problem

- Karma

- Ancestral Karma or curses

Let your intuition guide you. You are your own greatest healer.

TIMING: Full Moon, Waning Moon

The Release Ritual!

You need!

* A Candle (Fire)

* Incense (Air)

* Pen & Paper

* A Bowl of Water (Water)

* Salt (Earth)

We are going to use the 4 elements to release.

* Light the Candle, call in your Spirit Guides for support and protection.

(If you want to release for your Ancestral line you have to call in your Ancestors now and ask their permission and guidance to do so.)

* Create sacred space using a circle. (If you are clearing your Ancestral Line; your Ancestors should stay with you in the circle)

You can create a circle in many different ways:

- You can envision a circle around you of fire/purple light or golden light. You draw the circle in your minds eye, it is an imaginary circle.

- You can create a circle by sprinkling salt around you.

- You can, if you are outside, draw a circle in the earth, snow or sand.

- You can, if you are inside and have an aura spray of any kind, spray a circle around you.

- You can also use incense and smudge a circle around you.

* Gaze at The Moon for 5 minutes, and ask the Moon Goddess for clarity in regards to what you need to release. Let your intentions become clear as you contemplate.

* When you have decided what to release. Write it down on your paper: 1-3 themes. Do not release too many things at once since it might overwhelm you.(If you want to release a person, write my relationship to..)You can write a short sentence or a full letter. It depends on what you feel helps you in your own healing process.

** Now prepare the 4 elements.

* Earth = use the salt

Say out loud: **By the power of earth I now release ×××× from of my life(and that of my Ancestors) by the law of free-will. Thank you and goodbye. So be it. Bless me Divine Mother with your healing light**.

Throw salt around you (A symbol for releasing it from your body).

* Water = use the bowl of water

Say out loud: **By the power of water I now release ×××× from of my life(and that of my Ancestors) by the law of free-will. Thank you and goodbye. So be it. Bless me Divine Mother with your healing light.**

Sprinkle water around you(A symbol for releasing it from your emotional body.)

* Air = use the incense.

Say out loud: **By the power of air I now release ×××× from of my life(and that of my Ancestors) by the law of free-will. Thank you and goodbye. So be it. Bless me Divine Mother with your healing light.**

Smudge the incense around you(A symbol for releasing it from your mental body or mind.)

* Fire = use the candle and paper.

Say out loud: **By the power of fire I now release ×××× from of my life(and that of my Ancestors) by the law of free-will. Thank you and goodbye. So be it. Bless me Divine Mother with your healing light.**

Burn the paper using the candle. Blow the ashes around you. (A symbol for releasing it from your actions, behaviour patterns.)

* Sit for a while in gratitude. And then do your moon celebration dance as you feel inspired too.

* Open the circle and let the candle burn out. Thank your Guides and the Ritual is complete.

*** You can use this Release Ritual for any Full Moon.

What you can feel afterwards!

This Ritual is extremely powerful. I literally vomited afterwards. But it does not have to get that bad. It depends on what you are releasing.

- You can expect physical detox symptoms like headaches, stomach issues or pain in your body

- Tiredness and a need to sleep

- Emotional purging like crying or anger

- Energetic blockages opening up

- Psychic Downloads

- A deeper understanding and realization about your past

- Vivid Dreams

- A problem disappearing from your life

- Healing

Do not be surprised if something magical happens. Thank you for Reading!

WITH LOVE, Shanti Joy


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