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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Honey Jar Spell for Money

Are you trying to manifest money or financial opportunities? Maybe bless a project or business venture? The Honey Jar Spells belongs to the category of sweetening spells and are common in the Hoodoo tradition. Now you don't need very much to make this spell happen. Keep on reading.


You need!

Honey, ecological honey or local honey is the best

A glass jar with a lid

A small birthday candle(the one for birthday cakes)

Another candle to light to honor your spirit guides, any candle.

A Paper

A Pen


Herbs to strengthen your honey jar.


Bay Leaf




Do like this!

*Set up your sacred space. Work in a sacred circle. Smudge yourself and all of your items. Bless all of your items. Light your candle and call in your spirit guides for protection and support. Say out loud: dear spirit guides I invite you into this sacred space please help guide me as I create this honey jar for abundance, thank you.

*Write your intention(what you want or are asking for)three times on your paper. Fold the paper three times towards you. Seal it with wax.

*Add your other chosen ingredients into the jar together with the petition. Pour your honey into the jar. Say out loud: Money, money come to me, as I speak So Mote it Be.”

*Close the lid. Place the birthday candle on top of the lid and light it, if you heat the end of the candle you can attach it easily. Visualise your spell working for you and coming true as the candle burns down. The candle wax will seal the spell.

*Your honey jar is ready. Keep it on your altar.

Thank you for reading!

With Love, Joy


1 Comment

Quineshia Copeland
Oct 04, 2022

I only have cinnamon only is that ok?

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