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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Release negative Karmic Contracts - A Ceremony

Do you feel stuck with a pattern or with a negative person. Do you feel blocked in trying to achieve a goal or feel like you are generally out of luck? You might be held back by old karmic contracts.

A karmic contract is an agreement we have made to give our power to either an idea, a person or belief. You can have a karmic contract with yourself and also with other people. Some of these contracts can be unconscious. A karmic contract can look like this:

I will never find true love.

I need to do what my father says.

I dont deserve abundance.

Simon is always right.

I can not loose weight.

I can not let Erik go.

In this post I will share a Ceremony for releasing any negative karmic contracts that might be blocking you or blocking good things from entering your life. It will only cancel contracts that are not serving your highest good anymore. This ceremony you can do without knowing what the contract are. It is designed to cancel contracts based on fear, illusions and deceit that no longer serves your evolution.

TIMING: Full Moon, Waning Moon

Rewrite your contracts!

The Ceremony!


*A paper

*A pen

*A white candle


*A sanitized needle

*A bowl to burn the paper in

*A Lighter


* Clear your space and aura with incense.

* Light your candle and call in your Guides and Ancestors for support and protection. Say out loud "Ancestors and Spirit Guides I invite you to this ceremony, I ask for your support, protection and guidance".

* You are now going to write your new contract that will replace and release any old and outdated ones. Copy it exactly as it is written.

Write following: I now cancel all contracts in all dimensions of existence where I am giving my power away both consciously and unconsciously to fear, manipulation, lies and deceit of others and that of my own ego which is not serving my highest good. I take back my power to create a life based on love, harmony and truth. So be it.

* Read what you have written out loud. Say out loud first: Ancestors and Spirit Guides i ask of you to witness what I have written.

Use the needle and prick your right thumb. And then seal the contract with your thumbprint in blood(optional). Sign your signature underneath.

* Burn the paper in a bowl. Make a 360 degrees circle, clockwise. Visualize the news of your contract being spread to all corners of the earth and all dimensions.

* The Ceremony is complete. Blow out the candle. Thank all Spirits for participating. Say our loud: Thank you Ancestors and Spirit Guides for participating in this ceremony.

A new Door Opens!

That was the Ceremony. You will notice a huge amount of energy being released after the Ceremony. And you will see progress in the areas of your life where you previously was blocked. You can do this Ceremony more then once.

WITH LOVE, Shanti Joy


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