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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Lemon/Lime freezer Spell - FREEZE YOUR ENEMIES

Is somebody gossiping about you? Actively trying to sabotage your work?Trying to steal your man? Trying to take your inheritance? Waging war against your family? Sending you the Evil-Eye? Or hurting your reputation?

In this post I will share a Freezer Spell that can freeze your enemies bad intentions and stop them in their tracks. In order to prevent them from hurting you or the ones you are trying to protect. Read more below.

You can use this spell at a neighbour, coworker, old ex, family member that you know is sabotaging you. You need to know their full name. It will not harm them. Only stop them.

**Lightworkers, you can choose to freeze, the dark reptilian global agenda of world domination.


You need!

A whole Lemon/ Lime cut in half

A needle, nail or pin

Use any of these herbs and spices combined for your own purpose.

Black pepper - jelousy, exorcism

Chili pepper - exorcism, curse breaking, remove obstacles

Rosemary - protection, fidelity

Chia seeds - gossip

Cummin - thievery

Thyme - protect against evil spells



Aluminium Foil

Paper, pen


A candle, white or black

Do like this!

INCANTATION TO REPEAT. X I freeze you out of my life. May your negative intentions be frozen and halted. You can not touch me, you can not harm me. Your negative actions are frozen and can not reach me.

Speak this over and over again while you do as following.

*Cast a protective circle around you. Light your candle and call in your spirit guides. Say out loud. Benevolent spirits please guide and protect me as I perform this Freezer Spell.

*Write the name of your enemy on a piece of paper + I freeze you out of my life. Fold it away from you 3 times.

*Soak the paper in vinegar.

*Coat the paper with herbs.

*Stick the paper in between your lime or lemon. Seal it with a nail or needle.

*Use your aluminium foil and wrap the lemon or lime.

*If you want, write a protective symbol on the aluminum foil.

*Put it in a black bag with a black crystal in your freezer. Optional

*Your spellwork is complete. Thank your spirit guides. Say out loud. I offer thanks to the spirits supporting me. May the result of this spellwork be fruitful.

**Keep the spell in your freezer until the threath is neutralized.

Thank you for Reading. With Love, Joy.


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