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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Life Purpose Vision Quest

Are you in searching for your Life Purpose or more details of how to pursue your Life Purpose. In this post I will share a Vision Quest which includes a half day fasting(can be juicing too), meditation, silence and a trip into nature.

This is a Ceremonial Vision Quest. It is a simple way to connect to do a soul journey to get the answers you need. Read more about Vision Quests below or find the Ceremony at the end.

Where are you going?

Vision Quests

In Native American culture they go on Vision Quests, Hanbleceya, as a Rite of passage. To ask for a Vision of their Life Purpose. They will go alone into nature for 2-4 days, with no food. Sometimes also pipe smoking and sweatlodging is involved. They are also usually guided by a shaman or elder.

The idea behind going on a Vision Quest in nature was to receive guidance from the creator, as he lives in all things. The fasting and the solitude was done to reach altered states of consciousness.

The simplified version that I will share below, that my guides gave to me, is not as complex as the original one. But built on similar principles.

Timing: any time.

Spirit Guide: Mother Earth, nature spirits, Ancestors, Spirit Guides

Your path!

Ceremonial Vision Quest!

This Ceremony has several parts. It involves a partial fast (18h). The fast starts 6 pm the first day and the fast will last until the next day noon or earlier. If you dont like fasting you can drink juice.


* A paper

* A Pen

*A good shamanic drum track, you can find on youtube one that is 30 min long.

* A nice nature track to visit, the ocean or a lake also works.

* Your Journal

The day before - preparation

* Stop eating a 6 pm. To prepare for the Vision Quest.

* Before bed write your questions on a piece of paper. And put it under your pillow.

* Perform a Short Shamanic Journey before you go to bed.

* Lay down comfortably.

* Turn on your drumming track

* Call in your Angels for protection

* Ground yourself by calling on mother earth

* Call on your Power Amimal and your Spirit Guides

* Tell your Spirit Guides what answers you are seeking and that you are preparing for a Vision Quest

* Lie receptive and notice what you are receiving for at least 15 min

* Go to sleep

The Next Morning

* Wake up as early as you can. Preferably 4-7 am.

* If you had some some specific dreams write them down in your Journal.

* Avoid internet and social media.

* No talking to anybody either if you can avoid it.

* Get yourself ready to go outside. Bring your Journal, water and the paper with your questions.

The Vision Quest will end in nature, you can bring a picnic if you want to have your lunch outside after the ceremony.

The Nature Walk - choose a good spot

Can be a forest track, can be an ocean or lake. Preferably somewhere without a crowd of people.

Be outside into nature for as long as you can.

* As you enter the forest, or as you come to the ocean. Put your hands on your heart and connect with Mother Nature, tell her what you are looking for. Ask your Ancestors and Spirit Spirit Guides to assist you. You can bury the paper with your questions or burn it at the entrance of the forest. Or as you first arrive to the ocean.

* Walk and sit in nature. Leave your mind empty. If you can listen to the drumming track while you are walking too that is great. Or just walk in silence.

* Write and record any signs, visions or answers you get.

Signs can be:

The weather

The shape of the clouds

Animals you see

Flowers or plants you see

Shapes in shadows

The Visions will also come within your own mind and take shape as ideas or memories.

* End your Vision Quest outside. Before noon. Sit down and close your eyes. Thank Mother Earth.

** Save your notes.

In nature you find answers!

Thank you Dear for reading. I hope you will have success on your quest. Yes it is a little complicated ceremony. But it is worth it to get answers. You can repeat this Ceremony in a set of 3 days or 7 days, if you do not receive the full answer the first day.

With Love, Shanti Joy


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