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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Magickal Candle - for Protection

Do you need protection from negative energy or bad vibes? In this post I will share how to dress a candle with some White and Green Magick, by using herbs, essential oils and rune carving to create a Protection Candle. Yoy can burn the Magickal Candle daily in your home. You can make several candles at the same time



Energetic Protection!

You need!

As many of these ingredients as possible. If you dont have something you can search for correspondences. You need at least one oil and at least one powder. You can make several candles at the same time.

*A Tall Candle - black or white.


Dried Sage(protection, cleansing, sanctifying)

Frankincense(Exorcism, purification and protection)

Red Salt(Repells fear, cleanses aggression)

Black Peppar(against jealousy, strengthens)

Egg Shell Powder(Strenght, luck, protection)

Rosemary(exorcism, clarity) Cayenne(Banishes, boost potency of other ingredients)

*Oils:1 tsp of carrier oil with 6 drops of essential oil

Carrier Oil: Olive Oil(healing), Mustard Oil(protection, wards of the evil eye).

Essential Oil, Sage(protection, cleansing, sanctifying)Frankincense(Exorcism, purification and protection.

*The rune Algiz(elk) carved into the candle

* Sage to clear your space

*A white candle to use to call in your Spirit Guides

*Salt to make a sacred circle

* (Optional! If you want to call in the 4 elements into your sacred circle. This will make the candle more powerful but the ritual will take longer time.

You need! Something representing the 4 elements placed in the 4 directions. Earth/a crystal, east/incense, south/a candle, water/ a bowl of water. Use a digital compass to figure out the correct placements.)

Black Pepper wards off jealousy!

Do like this!

*Make sure you have everything ready.

*Create a sacred circle around you. Walk in a circle, clockwise, sprinkle salt around you. Chant: "This circle is sacred and protected."

*(Optional if you are working with the 4 elements. Time to call in each of the elements. Hold the element in your right hand as you call it in, stand facing in the correct direction, left palm facing up as to invite. Move in desoil way. Say out loud three times each:

- Guardians of the North and the Element of Earth I invite you into this sacred space.

- Guardians of the East and the Element of Air I invite you into this sacred space.

- Guardians of the South and the Element of Fire I invite you into this sacred space(light the candle.

-Guardians of the West and the Element of Water I invite you into this sacred space.)

*Light the white candle and call in your Guides and Ancestors and any other Diety you wish to work with. Tell them what you are going to do. Chant "I invite you intinthis sacred space, I seek your assistance, I am creating a Blessed candle for Protection".

*Hold your hands over all of your items and bless your items. Chant "I bless you with the energy of Protection".

* Carve the rune into the candle. Chant "I carve this Rune Algiz to bless this candle with the energy of protection."

* Take the oil and smear it all over the candle, from the middle and outwards to both ends. Chant "I add this oil to bless this candle with the energy of protection."

*Hold your hands over you candle and Chant "I bless this candle with the energy of protectiomay anyone who lights this candle and say the code word "protection" be blessed with Protection."

*Let the white candle burn down.

*(Optional! If you called the elements in you need to send them of. Closing quarters. While bowing, in the correct direction, say out loud and then touch your Third-Eye, heart and then the earth.

- Guardians of the West and the Element of Water I thank you and release you.

- Guardians of the South and the Element of Fire I thank you and release you.

- Guardians of the East and the Element of Air I thank you and release you.

- Guardians of the North and the Element of Earth I thank you and release you.

*Thank your Guides. Open the circle by moving the salt to the side. Say out loud; The Spellwork is complete, I thank all spirits involved."

Protect against the unseen!

There is a lot of energy work behind making this candle. But it will be very effective. The success behind the magick is your intent and the energy you put into it.

Remember when you light the candle you need to say the code word "Protection" to activate it. If you gift it to somebody tell them how to use it correctly.

When the candle is burning you can always write your specific wishes on pieces of paper or on bay leaves and burn them to offer the wishes to the Spirits.



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