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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Make your own Dream Pillows

Are you interested in learning more about your dreams but have a hard time remembering your dreams in the first place? Or do you wish to call in a specific dream?

All of us remember our dreams to various degrees. There are many ways to improve your ability to remember your dreams. There are also way to call in specific dreams such as dreams of soulmates, past lives and healing dreams.

Today I will share one of my favourite ways to enhance dream recall and to improve the overall quality of your sleep. It is a herbal secret. How to make a Dream Pillow with different herbs, flowers, fruits, plants and trees to enhance sleep, dream remembrance, inspire lucid dreaming, call in specific dreams and boost astral travel.

Read more about dreams below, and find three different recipes for my best Dream Pillows at the end.

Herbal secrets!

The Dream World & Healing!

The dream world is really fascinating. We remember our dreams in various degrees of clarity. Even from day to day it can vary greatly. There are ways to work with herbs to boost your dream recall, and even to create specific dreams such as dreaming about your soulmate or soul mission.

When it comes to healing and spiritual development dreams provide insights into your unconscious mind. When you sleep you deal with a lot of your deep unconscious patterns. And your true feelings and problems. Remembering your dreams and interpreting them is a useful source of information for self-development. Mainly because the unconscious mind doesnt censor information in the same way as the conscious mind does, you won't get nothing but the truth in your dreams.

Working with my my dreams has greatly helped me on my spiritual path and also lead to many insight on my healing journey. I highly recommend making your own Dream Pillow. Try different combinations of herbs and flowers for different purposes.

Sleeping well?

What are Dream Pillows?

Dream pillows were originally used to aid sleep and to keep a away nightmares and bad spirits. Shamans have used herbs to communicate with spirits for ages, fairies and angels are closely connected to the flowers and herbs in nature.

You can make any type of Dream Pillow you want; romantic ones, for abundance, to increase psychic powers, to astral travel, for healing, for stress therapy, for creativity and so on.

What you need is a pillow case of some sort, you can stitch your own and use any fabric you want. But it can be wise to use a fabric that let some of the scent escape. Best is to use a small bag that has strap on one side so it is easy to change the ingredients from time to time

You also need to pick out the herbs, spices, trees, fruits of flowers you need according to your desires. Best way is to start with 1 or 2 ingredients to monitor the personal effect it has on you.

You should use your nose to figure out the perfect blend and also the perfect amount. Your dream pillow can weigh about 5 grams. You do not want to use too much ingredients so that the smell becomes to prominent and makes you nauseous. You do not need a lot to get an effect.

You can do your own research about herbs and flowers. Or find recipes online to make your first Dream Pillow. Below you will find 3 of my best recipes.


Make sure you have all your ingredients first. Your herbs, a bowl and your small sachet. You also need a candle, incense and a piece of paper and a pen.

* Light a candle and call in your Guides and Ancestors for protection and support. Clear yourself and your items with incense.

* Write your intention for your dream work on a piece of paper. Fold it 3 times towards you, seal it with candle wax.

* Blend all of your herbs together in a bowl(5grams). You do not need to crush them, only stir gently. While chanting your intention.

* Fill your small sachet with your herbs and the piece of paper with your intention while chanting your intention. Close it with 3 knots while imagining you are sealing the intention.

* Yes it is ready. Turn off your candle and Thank your guides. Put it under your pillow.

** When you want to either throw the Dream Pillow because it has worked for you. Or maybe it has become old. Or you want to make a new one. Throw all the herbs in nature or burn them. Burn the piece of paper with your intention.

My 3 best Dream Pillows!

How to interpret the answers!

Dreams are symbolic and you need to pay attention to the symbols in your dreams. You will most probably receive your answers in a series of dreams instead of just one. Do not expect the result the first night. But give it at least a month depending on how much you manage to remember when you wake up.

- Keep a Dream Journal and record your dreams every night. Write down your dreams in your Dream Journal. Find a connection between your dreams over a period of time.

- Find a Dream Dictionary Online. And find the hidden meaning behind the symbols.


* The people or animals in the dream - who is there?

* An object in the dream - what is there?

* The setting in the dream - where are you?

* The action in the dream - what are you or the other people in the dream doing?

* The mood in the dream - how do you feel?

* The dialogue in the dream - what is being said?

* The circumstances in the dream - what type of weather or environment surrounds you?

Thank you Dear for reading. Let me know if you have any questions or send me a pic of your Dream Pillow.

Shanti Joy


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