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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Past Life Ritual

This is a ritual to visit a past life memory to either bring back a gift, knowledge or to heal a karmic pattern and create more freedom in your present life.

*TIPS: You can visit:

A lifetime that is connected to your soul mission.

The last lifetime you were with a lover.

Your last lifetime in Egypt.

The last lifetime as a man.


Who where you?

You need!

*A white candle with the Rune Raido(wagon, journey,) carved into it.

*A cup of Mugwort tea to drink to enhance visions. Optional.

*Incense, for past life recall. Sage, lilac, myrrh or sandalwood.

*A mirror with a Protective symbol drawn on it: Om, A Heart a Pyramid a Cross.

*A watch you can turn backwards.

*A past life recall crystal. Amber, amethyst, lapis lazuli or double terminated quartz.

*A bowl of water for scrying, add a drop of holy water or moon water into it if you have.


*Journal and pen

Turn the time back!

Do like this!

SETUP: You are going to sit in a circle. With your mirror, crystal, bowl of water, tea, candle and journal.

*Cast a circle around you for protection. Either with salt or by smudging. Say out loud as you walk in a circle: "This circle is safe and protected."

*Sit down. Light your candle and Call in your Ancestors and Spirit Guides. Clear your space, the mirror and your aura with incense. Say out loud: "Ancestors and spirit guides I have called you here to witness my past life ritual. Please offer me your guidance and protection."

*Hold your crystal in your hands. Meditate with the crystal. Say out loud: "Please be my guide as I travel back in time."

*Drink your tea. OPTIONAL.

*Write on a piece of paper your intention. State clearly the reason why are you doing this past life ritual.

Example: I want to visit my last lifetime on egypt.

I want to understand why I struggle with money.

*Burn the paper and offer it to Spirit. Say out loud: "This is my wish."

*Turn your clock back 3 times, 3 lapses. If you dont have a clock, count backwards to 10. Say out loud: "I am now travelling back in time to(the lifetime or memory you are going to visit)". Touch your mirror and visualize yourself stepping through the mirror into your chosen past life time.

*Look into your bowl of water and see with your minds eye.

Ask yourself these question! Meditate on them. Trust the first thing that comes to you.

Where am I?

Who am I?

What do I look like?

What am I wearing?

What am I doing?

Who else is there?

What is going on?

Why are you showing me this lifetime?

What do I need to know about this lifetime?

For as long as you want. Stay in your past lifetime. When you want to return.

*Turn the clock 3 times forward. Or count to 10. Say out loud: "I now travel back to my current lifetime". Tap the Mirror. And you are back.

*Thank your Guides and Ancestors. Say out loud:" The ritual is complete. I give thanks to all Spirits involved."

You lived many times!

This ritual is very powerful and can help you reconnect with a past lifetime. Do exactly as it is written and do not skip any step. After the ritual you might get more dreams about your past lifetime or other signs and revelations.

With Love, Shanti Joy


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