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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Release Anger - Candle Healing Spell

Have you ever done a healing ritual to release anger? It is an emotion we can forget to treat as sacred. If you feel slightly irritated all the time, extremely tired and engage in self-sabotaging behaviours, the real problem might be suppressed anger. In this post I will share a Candle Healing Spell that will help you release anger and irritation.

Suppressed anger can lead to self-sabotage, tiredness, weakness and lack of determination. Anger is connected to the element of fire. Channeling anger in a healthy way gives you the energy to transform yourself. To rise above weaknesses and to take action to change your life. On the other hand anger not being expressed or channeled properly can lead to self destruction.

You might be carrying anger towards yourself, towards others, towards the past or even life. This Candle Spell will help you release any form of excessive anger.


You Need!

Minimum, one candle with the esoteric symbol for fire engraved into it, pen and paper and incense.

*3 Candles. Orange or red, white always works. Tea light or spell candles. (Check the burning time, not more than 1 h)

*The esoteric symbol for fire engraved into the candles.

*1 Charcoal Tablet with a heat resistant plate, or regular incense.

*Herbs and spices for the fire element. Use one or mix several of them: tumeric, coffea, black pepper, ginger and cinnamon.

*Crystals for fire, hematite, red jasper, citrine, red carnelian. Depending on how many you have. Place them around the candle setup as a crystal grid in any way you feel.

*Pen and Paper.

*An extra candle to light to call in your Spirit Guides.


Place the candles in a triangle(for fire), with the charcoal tablet or incense in the middle. Place the extra candle outside of the triangle. Smudge the setup and yourself.

Do like this!

*Light the extra candle for your Guides. Say out loud. Spirit guides, I invite you into this sacred space. Please help and support me as I perform this healing candle spell to release anger.

*Light the other Candles. Say out loud. I light these candles to represent the sacred fire in me.

*Contemplate on what you wish to release. Why are you angry? Who are you angry at? What makes you angry at yourself or others? Meditate on your anger. Write a few words or a whole list of what you feel angry about. Take your time. Get everything out. Don't be suprised if you get angry during this healing.

*Read what you have written out loud. Burn the paper. Say out loud. I now choose to release the anger connected to this story, person or memory. I accept that I was angry. I hold no judgement over myself for being angry. I now choose to rise above my anger by releasing it. I feel good about releasing my anger. Anger be gone, be cleared, be cleansed and released. As I speak, so mote it be. May I be released.

*Take some herbal powder drizzle into each candle and in the charcoal tablet. Cleanse yourself. Or smudge yourself with incense. Say out loud. Anger be gone, be cleared, be cleansed and released. May I be released.

*Let the candles burn down. You can now do divination work, meditation or do some journaling. You might get some messages from your guides. Look into the candle flames and do some fire scrying. What shapes do you see in the flames?

*When the three centre candles has burnt down. The candle spell is complete. Say out loud. Thank you spirit guides for supporting me. May the effect of this healing spell be fruitful.

Thank you for Reading!

Love, Joy


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