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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Release Negative Thoughts & Judgements - A Ritual

Are you struggling with an inner critic? Is your inner dialogue very negative and judgemental? Do you wish to break free from your negative thinking patterns?

In this post you will find a Ritual to reprogram your inner dialogue, release guilt and change your perception of yourself. Read more about judgements below or find the Ritual at the end.


Inner critic?

Negative Judgements and Thoughts!

We all carry negative judgements and thoughts about ourselves. Most of us a harder on ourselves then we are on others. A constant inner dialogue of negative statements can ruin your peace and progress in life.

Does your inner dialogue sound something like this?

- I am not smart enough

- I am ugly

- I will never find happiness

- Nobody likes me

- I will never be able to find love

Sometimes we do not know why or when we started to think like this about ourselves. It can be an idea you formed about yourself due to your surroundings, experiences or upbringing. Maybe you picked it up from your mother or father. Maybe you experienced something very negative or traumatic and projected it onto yourself. Maybe somebody told you something negative about yourself and you took it personally. Some judgements might even have its roots in a past life experience.

A judgement is a negative thought you formed about yourself for known or unknown reasons. Are you ready to release the judgements once and for all? See the Ritual below?

Free from Negative Thoughts!

The Ritual!


* A Candle

* A Mirror

* A Pen

* Paper

* Incense

* A Lighter

* A Gavel (or something symbolically representing a Gavel)


* Sit down in front of the mirror. Clear your aura and the space with the incense.

* Light your candle. Call in your Spirit Guides for guidance and protection. Say out loud: "Dear Spirit Guides and Ancestors I invite you to help guide me in this Ritual."

* Write down the negative statements that you intend to release on a paper.

For example: I am not good enough/I will never find love/ I always fail. Write the negative statement in the way that it sounds when you think it.

* Read out loud what you have written down while looking yourself in the mirror.

Say out loud: "These statements are not true and therefore the Verdict is not guilty" and hit the Gavel in the table.

* Cross over your list. Tear it apart and burn it. Say out loud while you watch the paper burn to ashes: "I now release these negative statements forever by the power of my own free-will."

If the paper DON NOT burn completely that means there is resistance in releasing. You can either add more fire or do it all over again to make sure it is fully released.

SECOND PART - optional

* Write down your new affirmations to replace the old programming on another paper and keep this paper.

* The Ritual is complete, blow out the candle and thank your guides for participating.

** Read these new positive affirmations out loud every day for 30 days while looking yourself in the mirror. This is done to replace the old and to change your mindset for good.

Feeling lighter?

Thank you for reading and good luck. You will feel so much better confronting and releasing these negative judgements and thoughts about yourself. You might feel tired after the Ritual and if so take a nap while listening to some calming music.

WITH LOVE, Shanti Joy


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