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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Scrying with a Mirror, Twinflames

The Mirror is used as a symbol to explain the dynamic of the Twinflame connection. Your Twinflame is your perfect mirror. All relationships are mirrors. However your Twin reflects you perfectly back to yourself, all parts of you. That means both your light and dark aspects. Anything you wanted to keep secret and your core truths. You might have heard of the Mirror Effect.

Sometimes the Mirror Effect can contribute to a lot of unnecessary illusions being created between the Twinflame couple. The mirror simply reflects light, both false and true light. The false light being your own illusions. Having both of your illusions reflected back to one another can cause confusion and pain. Because you are not seeing yourself clearly nor your Twin clearly. You feel triggered by their behaviour but you don't understand why. Or you don't understand why they are acting a certain way. You might have ended up in an argument or conflict. And you are left feeling confused.

In this post I will share how you can use a Mirror to see clearly, to scry and receive visions. Scrying will help reveal the true face of what your Twin is mirroring back to you. If you are feeling triggered, confused or in pain. To help reveal to you what the true underlying cause to your conflict, argument or separation might be.

Find out how to further down or read more about mirrors and scrying below.

About Mirrors and Scrying

Mirrors are portals to other dimensions. The dominant forms of divination since antiquity have involved shiny and polished surfaces: water, crystals, glass, mirrors, swords, spear and arrow heads. The black mirror is not a new wrinkle in scrying. In fact, many scryers throughout the ages have preferred a dark reflective surface.

Scrying into mirror has been a way to access information about the future or past. Even to contact the dead. Scrying is a way to see, to summon visions and to communicate with spirit.

Once you are deep into scrying, you should be in a light trance similar to the borderland between waking and sleeping, and you will lose sense of the passage of time. Scrying takes you into a timeless reality.

You need!

A round mirror, wash it in salt or holy water.

The Eye of Horus written or painted on the back of the mirror together with both of your names

The infinity symbol drawn onto the front of the mirror facing you

A candle


Write your question on a piece of paper, the reason for scrying

Sit in a dark room. The mirror an arm's length away from you. Place the candle between you and the mirror. And your question in front of you.

Do like this!

*Cast a sacred circle around you with white light or incense. Say out loud while defining the circle: I cast a sacred circle around me for protection. In this circle only good spirits are allowed.

*Light your candle and call in your spirit team: Say out loud: Dear Spirit guides, Ancestors and my Twinflame Higher Self I welcome you into this sacred space to help me scry.

*Look into the mirror through the flame. Either keep the mirror facing you or the roof. Keep gazing steadily and easily into the mirror. If your attention drifts, return it to the mirror. Let go of distracting thoughts, but do pay attention to thoughts that pertain to your purpose. Let your eyes be soft. Focus on your question to your . Chant: reveal yourself, reveal your true face, reveal what is hidden, reveal the truth so that we can heal.

*Pay attention to what your hear, see or feel. Write it down if you like. Sit for as long as you need.

*Close the ritual. Say out loud: "Ancestors and Spirit Guides thank you for always guiding and supporting me"

**You can let this be a daily practice.

Thank you for reading!

With Love, Joy



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