Sigil Sand Magic - Manifest
Sigil Magic is a specific type of magic. It's a process of creating a symbol that represents something that you wish for. Either with letters or symbols or both combined. The symbol then has to become integrated into your mind which is usually done by meditating on it.
Read about how to create a sigil using words.
You need s plats of sand and a crystal.
Do like this!
Write in an affirmative present tense what you desire to manifest.
1. The sentence of desire must be formulated and written down in capital letters.
2. Repeated letters are deleted so that every letter will be used but once.
3.All letters of the whole sentence are combined into one general sign.
It is my wish I earn 2000 usd in September
Or it is my will I trust myself completely
It is my wish I heal my heart
It is my wish to be in a relationship with Brian
Complete your sentence. Cross out any double letter. Combine the remaining letters into a shape. No one should see your Sigil but you.
Draw the Sigil in the sand using the crystal.
Meditate on it for 5 minutes, then erase it.
You have successfully created a Sigil and activated it, now wait for the results.