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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Simple Knot Spell - for answers

Are you confused, in need of clarity, have a lot of unanswered questions? In this post I will share a Knot Spell for calling in specific answers. It is extremely simple. You only need to know how to make a knot and use a piece of string.

You can use it to receive answers about your love life, future, business or spiritual path. Simply weave your own intentions into the spell.

Read more about the Knot Enchantements below or find the Spell at the end.

Ideas for answers that you can look for

- What is my life purpose?

- Does he really love me?

- When will I get married?

- Is this the right path?

- Should I move?

- Why do I struggle with this?

Think about a what answers could improve your life. Choose one theme for this Spellwork.

TIMING: New Moon, Waxing Moon. Mercury Direct.

Yarn, string or thread!

Knot Spells

Knot Magic or Cord Magic is a way of binding your intentions using a piece of ribbon or string. You only need a string to perform this Spell. But you can add other things such as essential oils or crystals to the Spell to make it more powerful.

The knot serves as a container for the magic. Traditionally the knot is tied and then untied to start the spell, for weather enchantments. The knot binds your focus and your energy. And is said to exists both in the physical and spiritual plane. You can use this type of Knot Magic for banishing, cursing, blessings, love, or as we will in this post to bind answers to you.

Magick is everywhere!

Simple Knot Spell

You need!

If you dont have all the ingredients, dont worry. At the very least you just need the string and a candle. This Spell will be extra powerful the first day of Mercury Retrograde or the day Mercury goes Direct. You can use it also on Wednesdays, the day of Mercury.

* A 50cm(5 corresponds to mercury), long blue or yellow string, yarn, ribbon - white string can always be used

* An blue or yellow candle, spell candle or tall candle, a white candle can always be used. If you only have a very tall candle make a mark on the candle where you estimate 15 min is and let the candle burn down to the mark.

* The esoteric symbol for Mercury carved into your candle

* Lavendar or Lemongrass essential oil to anoint your candle and string with

* Incense

** Best wear the string around your throath because mercury is connected to the throath chakra. Or you can wear it around your wrist. Or tie it into your hair.

Do like this!

* Make sure you have all of your ingredients ready. You can carve the symbol on your candle and anoint it before you start the spellwork. The string can also be gently smeared with essential oil.

* Cast a sacred circle around you by visualization. Smudge yourself and your ingredients. Call on your Spirit guides and tell them your intentions for this spellwork.

* Light your candle and call in Mercury.

Chant out loud "Mercury, Messenger of God, I call on you, to bless this spell, I am looking for answers and clarity in regards to x(your private intentions).

* Hold the string in both of your hands, visualize and meditate on what questions you want to ask.

* Start tying the knots when you are sure of what questions you are looking for. As you tie one knot for each question you have. Say out loud " This is the Answer I Seek". It is important that you visualize what you are seeking.

I recommend only focusing on one theme. You can ask several questions about the same theme but formulated differently, that assures that you get an answer even if one question is not formulated correctly.


Will we get married?

Will be be together as a couple?

Will we have a family together?


Should I invest money in this idea?

Do I need more information before investing?

Should I invest now or later?

* When you have tied your knots, you can seal the knots by dripping wax over the knots.

* Finally tie the ends together so that you can wear the string. Wear your creation.

* Sit a while and watch while the candle burns out.

* When the candle has burnt out your spellwork is complete. Thank your Guides and close your sacred space.

** Wear your string until you have received your answers. When you have your answers you can burn the string.

*** You can use this spell as many times you need.

Answers are coming!

Thank you for reading. I wish you good luck and I hope your questions will be answered.

The answers will come to you through synchronicity, visions, dreams, people or books. As usual follow your intuition.

With Love, Shanti Joy


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