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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Spell Bottle for Psychic Visions

Are you looking to improve your psychic sight and your visions. In this post I will share how to create a Spell Bottle for calling in the power of visions.

The Spell will support you energetically as you take steps to manifest your desire. It does not work without your participation - it does not do the work for you. But it helps build positive energy and increases the flow of opportunities to align with your desire.



FOR THIS SPELL YOU NEED!Use as many herbs as you have available.

*A small glass jar with a lid

*A blue, white, silver candle, (a small birthday candle will do)

*White Willow Bark


*Junpier Berry


*Parchment paper and a pen


*A candle to call in your spirit guides

**Depending on the size of your jar/bottle, add the ingredients as it fits, use similar amounts of all the ingredients.


*Get your witch vibe on. Get ready all the ingredients. Cleanse the space and your items with the incense. Light your candle and call in your Spirit Guides for support and protection.

*Write your intention on a small piece of paper; Spell Scroll (PSYCHIC VISIONS, CLEAR SIGHT, INTUITION)

Fold it 3 times towards you. Put it into the glass jar.

*Add all of the rest of ingredients into your jar while quietly chanting your intentions. Seal the lid on.

*Attach the small birthday candle on top of the lid, light the candle and let it burn down while you visualise your intentions coming true.

*Thank your Guides. You are done.

***When you want to break the Spell. When you have the results you want the Spell have served its purpose. Or if something has gone wrong with the Spell. Do like this: Unseal the jar. Cleanse the whole jar and all the ingredients with incense. Dispose of the herbs and spices in nature or burn them. Burn the piece of paper. Dispose of the wax in your bin. You can reuse the bottle if you cleanse it. You can keep the crystal.

****When the result is achieved you can break the Spell. That will not destroy the result because its white magic.

Hope you liked this post. This Spell might work in unexpected ways.

WITH LOVE, Shanti Joy



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