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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Patron God/Goddess!

In this post I will share a ceremony to choose and connect with your Patron Diety!

Divine connections!

The ceremony that I will share with you have the possibility to shape your spiritual life for years to come. In this ceremony you will choose your Patron Diety. The Diety who will from now on be your main teacher. The one that will walk your path with you. Your main cosmic teacher. You will be invoking your chosen Diety and making a sacred oath to her/him. You will make a sacred bond to this Diety and this will bring you many Blessings.

This is how I recommend you to work with your chosen Diety from now on:

- Keep an altar in your home for her/him

- Work every ritual and magic in their honor

- Celebrate her/him on important dates

- Meditate with her/him

- Make daily offerings to her/him

- Light a candle to honor her/him

You are building a relationship with her/him that will be essential for your spiritual growth.

How will this impact you or change your life?

- You will be forming a sacred and intimate connection to a specific god/goddess. They will from now on make their presence know to you. And you will see their presence on earth.

- You will learn about the energy or archetype they represent. Certain qualities will dominate you life from now on. Their energy will rub off on you.

- You will learn skills they master or represent.

- You will be a walking representation of the God/Goddess on earth. You might be called to do their work.

* It will not limit you from working with other Gods or Goddess in your lifetime.

Choose your Patron Diety with care!!!!

TIP! Think about your life purpose. Choose a Diety that suits your Life Mission.

How do you choose your Patron?

- Ask and you shall receive. Pay attention to what god/goddess appear in your life?

- Research different god/goddesses to see what appeals to you.

- Ask for conformation and pay attention to the signs

How do you know you have found your Patron?

- You will feel magnetically attracted to them.

- You have most likely already heard about them.

- You will be impressed by them or what they represent.

- They represent qualities you need to develop within yourself or things you want to learn.

Do like this!

Follow this layout!

* Make sure you have everything you need! YOU ALSO NEED YOUR JOURNAL OR YOUR BOOK OF SHADOWS.

* Put up your Altar in your house following the layout above.

* Light both candles.

* Say the prayer out loud(see picture above)!

* Make your offerings.

* Meditate with your Diety. Ask if they accept your request. If they accept. You can thank them and contine with the next step. If they dont accept you will have to choose another Diety and do the ritual all over again.

* Write your intentions for contacting this specific Diety on a piece of paper. Read your intentions out loud to your Diety. Burn the paper on the offering plate. Meditate and ask for help. Pull an oracle card, write it down in your Journal. Scry using the Crystal Ball or the bowl of water. Write down any visions you get in your journal.

* When you are done. Thank your Diety. Wet your fingers and put out your candles.

*** You can offer your Diety your new moon intentions and your full moon intentions.

****You can ask for their support in magic or ritual work.

***You can ask them for protection and support.

****Every day if you can. Light the candles and say your prayer. Smudge the altar. Give daily offerings. Or if you wish commit to doing so every new and full moon.

Age of Aquarius!

I hope you will have fun. Write me if you have any questions! You might have come from Instagram and have done the Pick a Diety that I posted. You are not limited to that choice. Please research more about your chosen Diety. I recommend you choose only one to begin with because it's very powerful. You could choose maximum two, one masculine and one feminine(patron and matron).

With Love, Shanti Joy



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