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Writer's pictureJoy S W

The False Twinflame encounter and trusting your intuition

A new Twinflame Series in my blog. In this series I will discuss some common experiences, stories and lessons of the Twinflame Journey

If you are on the Twinflame Journey you probably already know that working with your intuition on this Journey is essential. A lot of the work you need to do to get into Union is about energetic alignment. There is a lot of healing work required. Your intuition is your compass that guides your steps. Without your intuition you are lost.

What happens when you loose trust?

We can loose trust after a false Twinflame encounter. Or if our Twin is with another, karmic partner. Or if things are moving too slow.

Today I will talk about the False Twinflame encounter, how that experience might hurt our trust in our intuition and how we can overcome it.


Let's first clarify what your intuition can do for you. Your intuition can keep you on track with the higher purposes of your Twinflame Journey. Your highest purpose is Ascension. That means to rise up, to overcome your own shadow and to transcend your own ego. It will always help you align with your best timeline from the now moment seen from your souls perspective. Your intuition is not your ego and does not wish to take any shortcuts nor sees any need of avoiding painful lessons if those lessons are necessary for soul growth. Following your intuition does not mean to play games nor to give into your fears. It is not the wide path but the narrow path. It will not always be easy to listen to your intuition because your ego will usually oppose it.


On the Twinflame Journey you may meet several possible souls that might appear to be your Twinflame for a while. People you are clearly guided to interact with or pursue. But after some time you learn that they are not your True Twin but rather a False Twin. And that's when you can end up feeling betrayed and like your intuition was wrong for guiding you towards them. Because you feel like you were wrong in pursuing them at all and like you wasted your time.

If you are in the Twinflame Journey it is your highest path towards Ascension. It is not separate from your life purpose nor your healing path. Your Twinflame path can never be a waste of time and it can never lead you away from your purpose. Even the false Twinflame experiences are necessary for Ascension. Some tests on the Journey are necessary. It is after all about knowing yourself.

A journey consists of many steps. Now think about this scenario: what if your guides had told you. Yes you are going to meet this person and he will break your trust so that you can learn to respect yourself. Would you have taken that path? Probably not. But how would you have learnt that lesson without the difficult experience? However your guides know what is going on behind the scenes and that is why you are clearly guided to these False Twinflames too. And why these encounters are a part of your path. You need to clear and resolve your past life karmic contracts and untangle yourself from other souls you have messed things up with. And you will probably agree with the idea, that you have created quite a mess already during the Kali Yuga.

We are drawn to False Twins in order to resolve Karmic cycles that needs to be finished. Each experience on your Twinflame Journey serves your Union process.

False Twinflame experiences are necessary. And very very common. Take one step after the other. And do not be too hard on yourself if you happen to stumble upon one or several False Twinflames. You are only learning and growing closer to union.

With Love, Joy


1 Comment

Yetunde Adegbite
May 01, 2022

I really needed this. thank you so much 🥹💕🍀

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