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Writer's pictureJoy S W


Are you in need of an emotional cleansing? Or are you healing from a crisis or ending and need help to release difficult emotions? In this post I will share a Water Ceremony for healing, purification, cleansing and emotional detox. Water is the best medium for emotional healing.

Read more about emotional wellbeing below and find two variants of the Water Ceremony at the end.


The Element of Water

Emotional Wellbeing

Life on this planet evolved from the great oceans, from the primordial waters. Water is one of the most powerful forces in nature. Our bodies are mostly water too. The water element is connected to the subconscious and our emotions.

Humans are feeling beings. Emotions are powerful motivating and demotivating forces. How we feel and our emotional wellbeing determines to a large degree the quality of our life. An emotion can captivate your attention and color your experience in a very powerful way.

Learning to master our emotions is a life long process. Sometimes we don't spend enough time on emotional self-care. As a result some emotions can get stuck in our bodies and in our subconscious. Some emotions like sadness, bitterness, despair or anger can be harder to deal with.

Emotions, like water, are meant to flow. Stagnation is not good for our emotional wellbeing. Unprocessed emotions can lead to depression or a feeling of being disconnected from ourselves. Failing to release old emotions is a common blind spot that keeps us blocked from being happy in the moment.

The Ceremony in this post is specifically designed to release difficult emotions.

How do you really feel?

Water Ceremony

There are two ways to do this Ceremony!

1. If you can go outside to a natural water source.

* Rough stones, one for each feeling you wish to release

* A non-water proof marker, you can use a crayon or a makeup pen too

* Find a lake, river or ocean.

* Cast a magic circle around you either by visualising one or drawing one on the ground. Call in your Spirit guides and Ancestors for protection and support. Say out loud: " Ancestor and Spirit Guides ask you to be present for this Release Ceremony, I wish to release x."

* Touch the water with both of you hands. Call in the Power of the lake, ocean or river. Say out loud: "Sacred waters of life come to me, help me heal". Touch your Third-Eye with your wet fingers.

* Look out at the water and contemplate the first thing you want to release.

* Write on the rough stone the essence of the feeling you want to release. Example "bitterness" or "fear".

* Hold the stone with your right hand. Put the left hand on your heart. Visualize the chosen feeling being transferred into the stone.

* Hold the stone still with your right hand. Say out loud "I now release the feeling of X back to the primordial waters of life".

* Drop or throw the stone into the water.

* Repeat for each feeling you wish to release.

* When you are done Thank your Guides and Ancestors and the water spirits.

Mother Ocean

2. If you want to do it inside your home.

* A bowl of water

* Salt

* Rough stones, one for each feeling you wish to release

* A non water proof marker, you can use a crayon or a makeup pen too

* A candle

* Incense

* Have all of your props ready.

* Light your candle and call in your Guides for protection and support. Say out loud: " Ancestor and Spirit Guides ask you to be present for this Release Ceremony, I wish to release x."

* Cast a magic circle around you either by visualisation or make an actual circle using the salt. Smudge yourself and the space.

* Touch the water with both of you hands. Call in the Water Element. Say out loud: "Sacred waters of life come to me, help me heal". Touch your Third-Eye with your wet fingers

* Look into the water surface and contemplate the first thing you want to release.

* Write on the rough stone the essence of the feeling you want to release. Example "bitterness" or "fear".

* Hold the stone with your right hand. Put the left hand on your heart. Visualize the chosen feeling being transferred into the stone.

* Hold the stone still with your right hand over the surface of the water. Say out loud "I now release the feeling of X back to the primordial waters of life".

* Drop the stone into the water.

* Take some salt and sprinkle into the water to neutralise it.

* Repeat for each feeling you wish to release.

* When you are done. Thank your Guides and the Spirits of water.

** Pour the water into nature or down the toilet. Bury the stones in your garden, in a flower pot or drop them in nature or in a lake at first chance. Make sure that your writing is wiped off.

I hope you will find this helpful? You can do this ceremony as many times as you need. When you need it the most is the best time. To time a Ceremony to the moon cycles is always beneficial but not necessary.

With Love, Shanti Joy


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