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Writer's pictureJoy S W

What are Twinflames?

Are you on the Twinflame Journey and are curious to learn more about what Twinflames really are? Maybe you have met somebody special but are unsure of the nature of your connection.

In this post I will share some of what I have learnt so far about Twinflames. And I will also share some information about Soulmates and Karmics. We have many Soulmates but only one Twin Soul. I hope this article will shed some light on your Twinflame Journey.

Looking for the One?

Is this post for you? Let's first identify if your indeed are on your Twinflame Journey.

How to know if you are on the Twinflame Journey!

1 The term Twinflames enters your reality and you feel inclined to research and understand the concept.

2 You are looking for the One and you have made a commitment to finding true love.

3 You experience a healing crisis. You get guided to heal your heart, release and forgive past relationships, heal your relationship patterns, work on self-love, heal your inner child and raise your vibration.

4 You see an increased number of synchronicities and signs from the universe, especially in relationship to love such as 1111, 2222, 44, 3333, love songs, wedding rings, swans, yin and yang,

5 The theme of your life suddenly is all about love and true love.

6 You get told that you are going to meet your Twin, in a dream, by a psychic, in a vision or by a strong gut feeling.

7 You meet one or several people who you think is your Twin that helps you grow and heal.

8 You have started your Ascension Process

These are some pointers and not a diagnosis. You will know if you are on the Twinflame Journey.

Seeing 1111?


Your other half - your mirror - your divine counterpart - your true love - your eternal companion - the one - divine masculine - divine feminine - sacred union - married in heaven - twin ray

Twinflames is indeed a mystical and illusive concept that has gotten more and more popularity in the New Age community.

Plato: The term Twinflames comes from the Greek philosopher Plato. In his dialogue Symposium he mentions that originally humans were individuals with two sexes, 4 arms and 4 legs. The humans became prideful and wanted to challenge the gods. And Zeus decided to cut the human into two making them incomplete and always looking for their other half.

Edgar Cayce: One of the best psychics of the 19th century did readings on Twinflames. He stated that in Atlantis female and male was as one. He described Twinflames as souls who share a joint mission. And said that all Souls are whole and individual by themselves. The focus of the Twinflame couple was according to him on a joint project. Many describe purpose this as bringing unconditional love to the planet. And in this way raising the vibration of the planet.

Many people mean that Twin Souls are actually the same soul split into two. Twinflames are also explained as souls who shared the same soul blue print. Twin souls, the mirror soul to your soul. Your "copy" but in the other polarity. One Twin has a female polarity and the other Twin a more masculine polarity. One will be more masculine, aka The Divine Masculine

(usually the man) and the other more feminine aka The Divine Feminine(usually the woman).

You only have one Twin. But that does not mean that you have to be aware of it. Many people are not aware of their Twin and are not on the Twinflame Journey. They might be in a relationship with a Soulmate.

Many people are born with the innate desire to find the one. We are on the physical plane created as man and woman. The physical plane corresponds to the spiritual plane, as above so below. We are built for relationships. It is our true nature. The Twinflame Journey is not for everyone in this lifetime.

Twinflames usually have:

Unconditional love for each other

Parallel growth paths

Same karma

Same life lessons

Same soul mission

Same core wounds

A Deep connection that is unique

A telepathic connection

Dreams about each other

Psychic awareness about each other

A way of balancing each other

Acts like Mirrors for each other

Twinlike behaviours

Feels like home to each other

A big obstacle to overcome to be with each other

Similarities in their divine feminine and divine masculine energies

An undeniably attraction to each other

A soul mission to complete with each other

Awareness about past lives together

It is important to understand that your Twinflame will also experience some of these signs that are listed above, even if they do not have the spiritual language to explain it. Identifying your True Twin is the same as seeing yourself very clearly. Because your Twinflame is you.

To love and be loved!


Are souls within your soul family. You usually have several incarnations with these souls. They are similar and familiar to you. You can meet a soulmate for a short period of time or a long period of time. A soulmate can be your mother, your child, your teacher or a lover. Soulmate connections are not always romantic. These relationships feels very natural to you and your life purposes are usually similar. Sometimes Soulmates have romantic relationships or even get married. This is a less intense connection then the Twinflame relationship but equally beautiful.

Karmic Relationships

A karmic relationship is usually experienced like a very intense relationship that is centered around a reoccurring theme. A karmic lesson that is being learnt. There can be a lot of ups and downs in this connections. It can be very intense, the intensity can be mistaken for deep connection. It usually does not end well. A karmic relationship can be with a soulmate or a soul outside your soul group. The purpose of this relationship is to balance karma. You can have a karmic relationship that is romantic or with your boss or mother and so on.

All relationships are sacred!

What if you dont know yet?

What if you are on your Twinflame Journey but are not sure if you have met your Twin yet or not? What if you are seeing several people and are confused? Do not worry this is a part of the Journey. Your true Twin will be revealed to you in time. In the meantime:

* Keep the focus on yourself. Stay in your power and make all of your decisions based on your own happiness.

Ask yourself this? Am I doing this for me?

* Focus on what you are learning and healing.

Ask yourself: What am I learning?

* Be ready to let the universe guide you and the truth to be revealed to you.

Affirm: God loves me and is guiding me to my perfect partner.

You have a lot to look forward to on this Journey. It is a very sacred and transformational journey.

Thank you for Reading. Next week I will post an article about "More signs that you have met your Twin!"

With Love, Shanti Joy



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