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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Witches Ladder - for Protection

Do you feel like your home needs some more protection? Or do you wish to protect something that is important to you; your money, a relationship, a friendship, your child, yourself while traveling, a possession, an engagement, your mothers health, your car, your Twinflame Union, a business project that you are working on, your own aura or your creative project? Keep on reading. In this post I will share how you can make a simple Witches Ladder for protection designed for your own private intention. You do not need much. You probably have these items at home already.

A Witches Ladder is a type of knot magick made from braided or knottes cords with added charms for specific magical intentions. The number of knots and the nature of charms varies with the intended effect. You can make it into a hanging ornament or if you wish into a bracelet or necklace.


Hanging Witches Ladder!

You need!

*3 equally long black or white cords to braid together. As long as you like, recommended one meter for a hanging ornament, measure otherwise for bracelet or necklace. Choose the material of your cords based on what your are making.

*Trinkets, pendants and charms to add for protection and to represent what you want to have protected. You will either braid them directly into the Witches Ladder, make sure the trinkets, pendants or charms have links, or sew them into the braid after its done.



A cross

Tree of Life


Eye of Horus




A token for Your power animal

Flower of life


Protective herbs - sage, chili, sandalwood



*A scroll of paper where you have written in detail what you want to protect. Sealed with a ribbon. (Only for the hanging ornament, not for the bracelet or necklace)

*A candle to light to honor your Guides

*Sage or any other incense

Crafting magick!

Do like this!

Where it is written x, you substitute with your specific intention.

*Light your candle and call in your Ancestors and Spirit Guides for protection and support. "Ancestors and Spirit Guides I seek your help to create a Witches ladder for protection, I wish to create it to protect x"

*Sage your items.

*Take your three threads and tie the first knot. "This knot is for protection". Secure it somewhere so that you can braid the strings together without any problems.

*Start braiding your Witches Ladder. "I braid these cords together in order to protect x."

*Whenever you add a trinket either by sewing or braiding. Say out loud: "I add this X for protection."

*Focus your intention while your create your Witches Ladder. You can speak your intentions in any way that suits you. "Please protect my family, keep me safe....."

*When it is done. Thank your Guides. Say out loud: "I give thanks to my Ancestors and Spirit Guides for helping me to create this Witches Ladder for protection, may it serve its purpose well".

Ancient Wisdom!

Thank you for reading. You can use the same "recipe" to create a Witches Ladder for many different areas of your life. You can even make and gift it to somebody.

WITH LOVE, Shanti Joy


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