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Writer's pictureJoy S W

Work with the Fairies

Are you curious to learn more about the Fairies or do you wish to work with them? They can help you with many things but it will require you help them too.

Learn more about the Fairies in this post. Find at the end two ways to work with them; either by doing an offering in nature or by setting up a Fairy Altar. If you set up an Altar, you can choose to work with them the whole year.


The Enchanted Ones!

The Fairies

The beautiful Fairies, maybe you always have felt connected to them. THEY HAVE MANY NAMES; the fallen angels, the little people, the good people or the fair folk. The name Fairy comes from the French word Fae.

The Fairies are the guardians and builders of nature. They live in another dimension on the Astral Plane. Their vibrations is higher then what our eyes can register, that is why you can not see them. Sometimes they can lower their vibration and you might see their silhouette or them like shimmering lights. They love song and music. And are very playful.

Our ancestors were very aware of the Fairies and used to offer them milk, honey, bread, wine or butter in order to ask them for help with finding lost items, to cure illness, to see the future or to ask for blessings. The industrial revolution destroyed many of the Fairies homes and dwellings. You can connect with them in nature. They dwell close to pools of water, at the crossings of ancients paths, in circles of flowers or mushrooms or beneath ancient trees. They can not tolerate iron, so they keep away from the city unless you open a sacred space for them.

They do not really like humans and can be hard to connect with. Unless you have pure intentions. There are also "god" and "bad" Fairies so be careful.

How they can help you!

You can seek their assistance but they will ask something in return. It is important to offer them something in exchange.

- Attune you to Divine timing

- Connect you to important places, people and opportunities

- Give you important pieces of information

- Make your Aura attractive and make people attracted to you

- Inspire you

- Help you attract opportunities

- Help you heal

- Help you with spells and magical workings

Pay attention to your unique relationship to the Fairies. Always show them Respect and Trust. Make sure your energy is good so that you attract good Fairies.

Fairy Magick!


Do like this! - don't carry iron on you

1. Take with you something to offer the Fairies: they like honey, bread, milk, wine, butter and fruits.

2. When you are at the edge of the forest. Ground and protect yourself. (To not attract mischievous Fairies.)

3. Sing your request in any melody : "I am seeking to connect with the Fairtes of this land" until you feel they have heard you.

4. When they have heard you. Close your eyes. Turn three times clockwise as you envision yourself turning into the Spirit World.

5. Open your eyes. Start walking into the forest to look for their dwelling. Most common: A pool of water, a circle of mushroom or flowers, at a crossing of ancient paths or beneath an ancient tree.

6. When you have found their dwelling. Sit down on the ground.

7. Meditate and connect with them.

8. Tell them what you want help with. And feel if they accept.

9. If they accept, offer them your request. Sing your wishes out loud and then bury the paper with your wishes in the ground or burn it and bury the ashes.

10. Give them your offering and thank them.

11. Start walking back. Notice any signs on the way back. You might get guided to bring a natural object from the forest back to your altar.

12. At the edge of the firest. Turn 3 times anti-clockwise as you envision yourself stepping back into the real world.

13. Thank them again.

You are done!

Wait and see what happens. You now have access to the Fairies assistance. But you still will have to take action on your wishes.

When you see that your request has been fulfilled it is important to thank them and again leave an offering to them in nature.

You can make it a habit to always leave them offerings on your walk in nature!

You can make many Offerings. But do not request the same thing again.

CREATE A FAIRY ALTAR! Requires more commitment.

YOU NEED! - create a sacred space for them

* Earth, a little will do

* Water from a fresh spring or a seashell

* Dried or fresh Flowers, your choice of flowers

* A Candle, your choice of color

* Bells or chimes

* Fairy statue or picture

* An offering plate

* A Drawn Fairy Star Pentagram on a piece of paper in your choice of color(see picture below)

* Incense to burn daily, your choice

* Fairy Oracle Deck

The Fairy Star, 7 points.

Do like this!

* Decide a place in your home, preferably in the direction of the north close to a window or nature. Cleanse the space and your props with incense.

* Put the candle at the place of where you gonna make your Altar. Light the Candle and call in your Guides and Ancestors for Protection and support. Tell them what you are going to do.

* Take the Bells and ring them while you are calling in the Fairies by singing. "Good Natured and Well Wishing Fairies of the land, I invite you into my home, to create a dwelling here, so that we can work together for the highest good of all". If you dont have bells, just sing - it does not have to be loud but they like music.

* Start decorating your Altar. In any way you feel. Let the Fairies Guide you.

* When you have decorated it. Take a piece of paper and write down your wishes. Offer it to the Fairies by burning the paper. Chant "Fairies dwelling my home, bless me and I will bless you too." Offer them milk, honey, wine, bread or fruits on the offering plate.

* Meditate and thank your Fairy Guides. Pull a Card. Write in your Journal.

* Every day. Ring your Bells, say Hi to your Fairy Guides, burn some incense as an offering. Pull a card. From time to time, offer them something small like a piece of bread or a pick a flower from nature.

** You can make it a habit to offer them your New Moon intentions.

*** When you want to take down your Altar. If you are moving or if you feel that you dont want to work that closely with them anymore. Ask the Fairies for permission. Move all the natural items from the Altar out in nature. Or into your garden if you have one. Offer them some milk or honey. And tell them that your relationship will change slightly. Remember to always bring them something when you walk in nature

Seen a Fairy?

I hope you liked it. Please ask me of you have any questions. Or send me a picture of your Fairy Altar.

With Love, Shanti Joy



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